14 Ways to Grow Your Email List ORGANICALLY, Without Paying For Email Lists

14 Ways to Grow Your Email List ORGANICALLY, Without Paying For Email Lists

If you’re like most marketers, you’re always looking for ways to grow your email list. Purchasing an email list seems like a shortcut to growing your list, but it can actually do more harm than good. A high bounce rate is one of the consequences of purchasing an email list, which can negatively impact your deliverability.

What if you could grow your email list organically, without paying for email lists? You’ll get a fresh influx of leads who you know are interested in your offerings. In this article, we’ll share 14 ways to do just that without purchasing a list. So read on and start growing your email list today!

1. Create an ebook

Creating an ebook is a great way to organically grow your email list. By offering something of value for free, you can attract new subscribers who will be interested in what you have to offer. Plus, you can use your ebook to advertise your other products as well. Click here to learn more about creating your own ebook.

2. Host a webinar

Webinars are a great way to attract new leads and grow your email list. By hosting a webinar, you can offer valuable information to your audience, build relationships, and generate new leads.

3 – Host a contest on social media

By offering a prize, you can entice people to enter your contest and subscribe to your email list. Use social media to promote your contest and reach a large audience. Plus, you can encourage (or require) those who enter the contest to share the post with others to reach even more people.

4 – Include a ‘Schedule a Consult’ (or demo) form on your website

If you offer services or products that require a consult or demo, include a form on your website that allows people to schedule an appointment. Require them to input their email address and phone number. This way, you can capture new leads and add them to your email list, and follow up via phone if desired.

5 – Put your next event on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Events is an excellent tool for growing your email list. You can promote your event to LinkedIn’s vast network to reach tons of prospects organically or with paid ads, and LinkedIn will allow you to download the list of registrations which includes their email address. This is a great way to get new leads who are interested in what you have to offer.

6 – Offer free educational videos

Educational videos are an excellent way to provide value and grow your email list at the same time. You can host them on YouTube or another video platform and then include a sign-up form on the video page, which requires their email address. Then, nurture and engage them by sending out more content similar to the video they already watched.

7 – Set up a referral program

Referral programs are an excellent way to get word-of-mouth marketing for your business=. When you have a referral program, customers can refer their friends and family to your business in exchange for a discount or other incentive. This is a great way to grow your email list while also providing an incentive for customers to promote your business.

8 – Create a compelling email newsletter

Create an email newsletter and add an opt-in form to your website. People are more likely to sign up for your email newsletter if it offers value that they cannot find anywhere else. This could be in the form of exclusive content, discounts, or early access to new products or services. Whatever you offer, make sure it is something that your target audience will find valuable.

9 – Collaborate with other businesses in your industry

Partner with other businesses and promote each other’s products/events so you can both benefit from each other’s existing email lists. This is a great way to grow your email list while also building relationships with other businesses in your industry.

10 – Collect emails at conferences

If you attend conferences or trade shows related to your industry, make sure to collect email addresses from the people you meet. You can do this by having a fishbowl for business cards or using a QR code so people can sign up for your newsletter or enter a giveaway.

11 – Shorten your lead-capturing forms

Using short lead-capturing forms makes it easier for people to fill them out; fewer barriers mean more people will follow through and fill out your forms.

12 – Use an exit-intent popup

An exit-intent popup is a form that appears when someone is about to leave your website. It’s the perfect opportunity to ask people for their email addresses so you can stay in touch and continue providing them with valuable content.

13 – Use a QR code

If you have a physical store, placing a QR code near the register or in strategic locations can help entice people to sign up for your email list. You can offer a discount or giveaway if they scan the QR code and fill out a form.

14 – Sponsor or speak at an event

If you sponsor or speak at an event, you can usually collect email addresses from the attendees. This is a great way to grow your list because you already have a built-in audience of people who are interested in what you do.


Growing your email list doesn’t have to be difficult. As you just learned, there are a number of ways you can grow your email list organically without purchasing a list. We’ve outlined some of the best methods for you in this blog post. If you’re ready to start growing your email list and need some help, contact us today. We can help you create ebooks, host webinars, leverage social media, and more. Our team would be happy to help you get started!